Evangelical Bible Church

Dallas, Oregon

Primary tabs

January 17January 19

All City Middle School Retreat

All of Dallas. ALL IN


WHEN: Jan 17-19

     - Parents drop off and pickup. Drop off starts at 5:30 on 1/17, pickup starts at noon on 1/19.

     - If you need to adjust your drop off of pickup time, please coordinate that with Pastor Andrew.

WHERE: Camp Tapawingo

     - 22505 Black Rock Rd, Falls City, OR 97344; follow the signs to get the the camp, phone maps take you past the camp

     - Phone = (503) 787-3828; call this number if you need to reach your student since they will not have their phones

COST: $90 through 12/31, $100 starting 1/1

REGISTRATION: Use BOTH of the following registrations

     - Follow this link to register and pay through Grace Church: https://graceindallas.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2604659

     - Use the drop down registration below to provide permission release and medical info for your students

     - YOU DO NOT need to pay twice

Packing List:

- Sleeping bag and pillow
- Bible, pen, and notebook
- Toiletries and towel
- Clothes for all occasions (especially clothes for a messy game!)
- Bags for dirty/messy clothes


What to expect:

- Jesus
- A great time!
- Good food
- Free time
- Music/singing
- Teaching from the Bible
- Lots of games! One crazy messy game!
- Memories
- Friends
- Fun
- And more!


Please use the drop-down form below to register!

The number of spaces you wish to reserve.
The email to associate with this registration.
Home Address
If you prefer, send a copy of your insurance card with your child.
I the parent / guardian, give permission for this student, if necessary, to go to the nearest hospital/clinic and receive appropriate treatment as deemed necessary by the attending medical personnel. If medical attention is needed, every reasonable attempt will be made to notify me as soon as possible. I understand that Evangelical Bible Church is not responsible for the cost of medical care provided to my child. I assume responsibility for the transportation of my son/daughter in the case of any non-related emergency situation that results in an early dismissal. My son/daughter has permission to attend this retreat and participate in all activities.

This is a past event.