Participating in the Great Commission
Investing in people
All believers must share Jesus with people wherever they live, but some believers are full-time missionaries living and sharing Jesus in areas where they normally wouldn't live or work. EBC actively supports missions and missionaries throughout the world financially, in prayer, and in mission trips.
Below are missions and missionaries EBC financially supports. Contact them individually to receive their newsletters and other communications. Please know that some missionaries are not listed here for safety reasons. Contact EBC's Missions Committee for further information.
Local Work
Child Evangelism Fellowship
The Gate
River of Life
Weekday School of the Bible
Weekday School of the Bible website
Young Life
Local Awana missionary
Salem Free Clinic
Stateside Work
Kevin and Jennifer Domes
IN FAITH, Wellfleet, Nebraska
Kevin and Jennifer are
- Involved in youth ministry
- Maintain the Bethel Bible Camp facility
- Teach in the Awana program, lead a high school youth ministry
- Administrate retreats
- Jennifer also works in food preparation for the summer camps
Prayer Needs: That summer camps would go well, that they would have creativity in ministry and wisdom as they teach and interact with kids.
Paul and Leslie Landquist
Village Missions, Eatonville, Washington
Paul and Leslie recently began working with a church in Eatonville.
Prayer Needs: Blessings on and direction for the new work.
Jake and Moriah Michalovich
Younglife Polk County
Jake and Moriah serve with Younglife right here in Dallas and around Polk County.
International Work
Tim and Mallory Brooks
Missionary Aviation, Sentani Papua, Indonesia
- Tim is a mechanic for MAF planes on the base
- Tim and Mallory providing support for team members on the MAF base
Prayer Needs: Guidance in their ministry and wisdom in raising their family.
Josue and Diana Bulande
SIM, Lichinga, Mozambique
Josue and Diana are supporting churches, teaching, and ministering to their local villages.
Prayer needs: Wisdom for ministry and safety during current local events.
Dan and Judy Burke
Ethnos 360 (formerly New Tribes Missions), in Bolivia, in Cochabamba and San Borja
Dan and Judy are
- Developing a discipleship center in northwestern Bolivia
- Working with the Chimane people-group
- Writing and producing books and commentaries in Chimane for the tribal people
- Working in teaching, construction, and leadership development
Prayer needs: Wisdom in producing discipleship material, resources and labor help for training center construction, safety in travel, and good health.
Ivan and Mary Goossen
Avant Ministries, Mucambo, Brazil
Ivan and Mary are
- Involved in evangelism and discipleship
- Administrate programs such as a coffee shop outreach
- Partiipate in a Christian radio ministry
Prayer Needs: Creativity in ministry and opportunities to take advantage of teachable moments in their coffee shop outreach.
Eric and Judith Hedeen
Ethnos 360, Papua New Guinea
Eric and Judith are
- Mentoring new missionaries to the field
- Participating in translation work
- Working in leadership development among the indigenous people
- Judith is working in the medical clinic and member care
Prayer Needs: Opportunities to meet with leaders in the Malaumanda rural village for encouragement and direction, balance between different leadership roles, and wisdom as they raise their sons.
Steve and Mikki Schmidt
SIM Missionaries, West Africa
- Steve is the SIM regional Director for West Africa, supervising country directors in 11 countries
- Both Steve and Mikki work in SIM’s Global Leader Development Program
- Mikki provides educational consulting and also works in the Paths to School Improvement program which trains Christian school leaders throughout Africa
Prayer Needs: Travel safety, creativity in ministry, wisdom in mentoring