Evangelical Bible Church

Dallas, Oregon

Youth Group Parent Meeting

Sunday, Oct. 1, 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM

What's next for Compass and Forged

Pastor Andrew will connect with you and present about upcoming events such as the winter retreat. Please come! It will be in the Youth Center; light snacks will be served. Childcare will be provided.

Below is an excerpt from his parent informational emails regarding the coming year:

Note: Email Pastor Andrew at youthpastor@ebcdallas.org if you would like to be added to the email distribution list. 

COMPASS 2024 Theme

This year, the theme of our teaching is on identity. Last year we focused on Biblical knowledge, specifically looking at Biblical wisdom. This year we will be shifting our attention to the question that is budding in the minds of most middle schoolers: "Who am I?" We will spend the year looking at various passages and books of the Bible that answer this question to give students a Biblical grasp of what the foundation of identity is (or rather, Who), as well as teaching them other areas of theology related to this topic.

FORGED 2024 Theme

The theme of teaching for our high schoolers this year will be on mission/outreach. Last year we focused on discipleship/self-understanding. This year we aim to take that knowledge and put it into practice through mission. It is the purpose and responsibility of all Christians to "go and make disciples of all nations," which includes Dallas, OR. So, we will be diving into a deep look at how God commands us to not only love our neighbors (and our enemies) but to reach out to them as well with the Good News of Jesus. We will be examining our own hearts and reorienting them to be softer toward the lost and we will be equipping our minds to be the hands and feet sent to those lost.